Foxly Flouren || @foxly_flouren
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Face sketch 2021.09.06
Face sketch performed by @foxly_flouren
Instagram page of @foxly_flouren
YouTube channel of @foxly_flouren
🇬🇧 White Fang || 🇺🇦 Біле Ікло
🇬🇧 White Fang by @foxly_flouren
🇺🇦 Біле Ікло
The work was done in a few minutes, it's was an impression of first of looking "White Fang". French: "Croc-Blanc" is a 2018 French computer-animated film directed by Alexandre Espigares.
Execution time ~ 5 minutes, I was amazed
Mordor vs Ukraine
Execution date: 2015.03.15
From memories of 2015.It is impossible to forget the first emotions from the picture of my daughter Mila @foxly_flouren!
🇺🇦 Зі споминів про 2015 рік.
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Face sketch 2021.09.06
Face sketch performed by @foxly_flouren Instagram page of @foxly_flouren YouTube channel of @foxly_flouren

Face sketch performed by @foxly_flouren Instagram page of @foxly_flouren YouTube channel of @foxly_flouren
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